What is Menopause

We live most of our lives either in Peri or Post Menopause.
The Menopause is the exact point/moment in time when you have stopped having periods for a total of 12 months*. This usually happens in the UK around to age of 51 years.
Peri-Menopause naturally, can start between 35 to 40 years of age and is the period leading up to Menopause. It can last anything from 5 to 10 yearsYou may start to experience the odd unexplained symptom as your hormones start to fluctuate.  Typically oestrogen and progesterone keep our reproductive organs healthy (Ovaries) and regular. As we age our ovary production declines and our oestrogen is declining. This decline can make becoming pregnant harder.
Post Menopause is the period after Menopause* and its important to point out that you are then ALWAYS post menopausal. Symptoms may decline but they may also return. This is the period that it is important to have regular check ups as you are at an increased risk of cardio vascular disease, breast cancer and osteoporosis.  Vaginal, urinary and bowel problems can occur.
Your menopause experience will depend very much on your lifestyle, genetics, life experiences and your mental health, stress and thought processes.
Most symptoms can be managed by making changes to your lifestyle, exercise and nutrition.
There are Natural and medical treatments that can help.